Thursday, 12 June 2014

How to Fit/ install Wooden Gate or Fence Posts

Whether your replacing Driveway Gate Posts, Side Gate Posts or Fence Posts into the ground, the technique to how to fit posts stays the same. Below is a guide along with a short video on how to do this but we are here to help and will answer any questions if you get stuck along the way.

Things you'll need:

Post Digger or Spade
Tape measure
Spirit level
String line or straight edge
Fast setting concrete (available from any leading garden or builder centre)
Wooden batton
Hammer (not essential)
Nails/ screws (not essential)

  • First, mark the position of the first post. 
  • Using the post digger (or spade) dig the hole. The hole can be either circular or square (if looking from a birds eye view).  The actual width of the hole should be determined depending on the width of post. This is calculated by taking the width of the post and multiplying by three. For example; a 4" x 4" Post would require a hole width of 12". The post to be positioned in the centre allowing for a 4" clearance gap around the post. Depth of the hole needs to 1/4 the size of post length. Therefore, a standard 8ft length post would need a 2ft deep hole.
  • Now the hole has been dug, fill the base of the hole with a mix of the Fast Set Concrete. The depth of the concrete at this stage to be one to two inches. Allow 10 to 15 minutes (if Fast Set) to set.
  • Two Person Job: Place the post into the hole. Fill (following instructions on the concrete pack) the hole with fast set concrete. Allow one bag per post. Whilst filling the hole, the second person to use a spirit level to ensure upright. Check both sides and ensure the post is in position. If using fast set mix, you may only have 5 to 10 minutes before concrete has set so be prepared. Once in position, use the wooden battons to hold the post in place. Simply screw/ nail the bottom half way up the post and angle to the ground. Usually doing two sides is enough.
  • Fill the remainder of the hole with soil and compact down to the level of the ground. Use a string line or straight edge from the face of the post to enable you to mark out the positions of any further post you are fitting. 

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